everybody <3's pandas!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

At least that is what I gathered becuase when people would suggest characters for the game, a panda was always one of the first blurted out. So I made a panda character! Here it is!

icon a go go

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Today I was working on a design for an icon for the game executable, this is much larger version of the design but I think it scales down pretty well

Zero Gear forums launched!

Monday, May 26, 2008

While moving the Zero Gear site to it's own server (no more piggybacking off DevBump!), I also have set up a forum for Zero Gear supporters and fans to talk as well as a place to organize future tests and events. Go register!

First big internet test a grand ole party!

Friday, May 23, 2008

We had our first big (8 people) internet test last night. There were a few issues that we were able to fix while the test was going on thanks to a Subversion build deployment system. The biggest issue was the lack of bandwidth on our home internet connections which caused lag.

So we are shopping for a service to host game servers for future tests. Amazon EC2 seems perfect for us. Does anyone have any other suggestions? (We need full access to the server to configure the game server and other services). If you do, post a comment please!

And now for something completely different...

This little guy wants you to join our Steam Zero Gear group.

P.S. If you like music I recommend Grand Ole Party!

Welcome to San Francisco

Sunday, May 18, 2008

In celebration of my recent move to SF, my girlfriend created a new background image for my computer. I thought it was so awesome that I wanted to share it with the world.


space ride peek!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Inspired by the space stage we have been working on, I decided to whip up an appropriate themed kart. Click for big!

zero gear . . . in spaaaaaaace!

Friday, May 9, 2008

real quick post, we just got our new level up and running for the next game mode we are building for the next video. Wanted to post a screenshot. Click for big.

items teaser

Friday, May 2, 2008

we've been working on 3 items lately for our next video, along with a new gameplay mode. Here is a little teaser for the items: