Customization GUI video

Saturday, December 22, 2007

As a little holiday present we have whipped up a little video of the customization menu we created hooked up and working in the game. View it on Vimeo for better quality.

Zero Gear player customization video from marshmonkey on Vimeo.

Happy Holidays from NimbleBit!

I like GUI things

Monday, December 17, 2007

I spent the last week immersing myself in css and hacking together some javascript in order to make our GUIs that are rendered in Navi. After learning a little bit and checking out what kind of neat javascript stuff is out there, I put together a tabbed scrolling menu that will allow the user to browse through different models to customize their kart / character.

click on the window above to launch a working popup version of the gui.

The neat thing about using the Gecko engine to render your gui in your game is that if you are using the Firefox browser, you are using the same rendering technology as you are seeing the gui with now. The only difference will be that the things that don't do anything when you click on them in your browser, will be tirggering functions in the game through Lua.

a few wheels

Monday, December 10, 2007

Here are a couple different wheel variations I did this morning. I also added some color on the wheel to be customizable.

I wanna pick the color

Friday, December 7, 2007

In taking the kart color concept a bit further, we spent some time last night working on a color picker GUI. You can see the results of our work in this video.

ZeroGear color picker from marshmonkey on Vimeo

Now here is why this is cool. We did this using Navi + Lua. The C++ framework only needed slight modifications. I feel this was done extremely quick and has a nice, clean result. Here is how we did it.

We got the color picker html + javascript code from here.

And here is the part that I added to the color picker javascript:

function HSVupdate(v)
  var tempColor = HSV=v?v:slideHSV;
  v = hsv2hex(tempColor);


  $ND('HandleEvent', {LUAFUNC: 'SetKartColor', Color: v}).send();


This function is called whenever the user changes the color in the GUI. The line that starts with "$ND" is the message from the Navi GUI to Lua. "$ND" is the javascript code included with Navi that sends the message. "HandleEvent" is the function that Navi calls in C++ and LUAFUNC is the Lua function that "HandleEvent" will call when this event happens. "SetKartColor" is the name of the Lua function and it is passed the new color as a parameter.

Here is that Lua function:

function SetKartColor(guiArgs)

  local colorValue = GetNaviMultiValue(guiArgs, "Color")
  local color = colorValue:str()
  local colorNum = hex.to_dec("0x" .. color)

  local red = bit.brshift(colorNum, 16) / 255
  local green = bit.brshift(colorNum, 8)
  green =, 255) / 255
  local blue =, 255) / 255
  local alpha = 1
  kart:SetColor(red, green, blue, alpha)


It is basically just a conversion function. The javascript code gives the color as a hex value in this format "4499FF". So I do some conversion with this lua bit library to get the color as red, green, and blue float values to pass to the C++ code.

And here is the SetColor C++ code that changes the color of the kart:

void OGREPlayerKart::SetColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
  Ogre::Entity * testEnt = kart->GetEntity();
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <>getNumSubEntities(); i++)
    Ogre::SubEntity * testSubEnt = testEnt->getSubEntity(i);
    Ogre::MaterialPtr testMatPtr = testSubEnt->getMaterial();
    Ogre::Technique * testTech = testMatPtr->getBestTechnique();
    Ogre::Pass * testPass = testTech->getPass("ColorTweak");
    Ogre::TextureUnitState * testTUS = testPass->getTextureUnitState("ColorTweak");
    testTUS->setColourOperationEx(Ogre::LBX_BLEND_TEXTURE_ALPHA, Ogre::LBS_MANUAL, Ogre::LBS_CURRENT,     Ogre::ColourValue(red, green, blue, alpha), Ogre::ColourValue(1, 1, 1, 1), 0);

This C++ function is where I want to improve. I want to support changing colors on different parts of the player and karts (shirt, skin, paint, windshield, whatever). Also, different karts will have different parts that you can change the color of.

As you can see, this was all done in only a few lines of code. I bet you can see how easy something like a color picker is when you are using HTML/JS/CSS and Lua for your GUI.

NimbleBit website goes live

Thursday, December 6, 2007

If you check out you will see that I have added some much needed content. It's not much, but it will do for our first little homestead on the world wide web. A word of advice: don't ride the elephant!

if you can read this, tip me over

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This one is in memory of the dune buggy we used to have when I was a kid.

saftey first

Just a quick post to show what the new character I did looks like modeling the default helmet and goggles.